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Meditations on cleansing from negativity

All the bad, all the negative is on the mental level, on the lower subconscious- it is with its purification that you need to start. Doom to failure, illness, fear, and death are acquired by the mind in the course of life. Initially, no one programs anything like this for themselves. At the level of the soul, there are no negative programs — it is there that your entire ideal fate is recorded. Getting rid of unnecessary weight is achieved through meditation to purify the mind.

To learn the composition of the soul, to carry out the removal of internal blocks and the purification of your consciousness helps mental topology — the method on which the training at our Institute is built. We explain the composition of the subconscious mind, so that your consciousness will orient itself and adjust itself through meditation to the complete removal of negativity.

Meditation on clearing the subconscious of negativity involves working with light. When we are filled with it, we get all the necessary information about our ideal destiny, true desires. We understand that getting rid of what is necessary to become happy in the present and in the future.

How to practice for purification

Meditation on getting rid of negativity will help you realize what unnecessary attitudes are on the subconscious and need to be cleared. Information and answers to your questions can come in the form of images, someone hears an inner voice. Watch for the thoughts that will come. During the practice, imagine the process of clearing your mind, relieving tension, getting rid of all unnecessary things.

Take a comfortable position, turn on the music. Watch your breathing: it should be smooth and calm. Relax completely, don’t try to control your mind. Direct the luminous light (white, sparkling) first on the mental body. Observe yourself for 5 minutes. Then imagine that the astral body is filled with this light, there is a release of tension, clearing of negative attitudes, getting rid of unnecessary emotions.

Then direct the light of purification to the Budhic body. Just set the intention and observe your feelings.

Meditation for clearing the subconscious of negativity will help you get rid of false ideas about yourself, understand your true desires.

Duration-approximately 15-20 minutes. Play music or watch videos online:

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