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Meditations on the fulfillment of desires

In order to fulfill your dreams and understand what kind of meditation on desires is suitable for this, you first need to be aware of yourself. Find the answer to the question: “Who am I?”. How do I do this? You need to understand the composition of your soul — it is there that the purpose of a person is spelled out.

On the levels of the soul are our true desires — those that will eventually bring us happiness. Therefore, before performing meditations for the fulfillment of desires, it is important to establish a connection with your soul, learn to hear its voice.

The same applies to meditating on the flow of abundance — it is important to understand the abundance of what you want to get in the end. Such techniques give a very powerful result — in order for it to be positive and bring only happiness in life, you need to be able to set the right direction.

Meditation on the fulfillment of desires “Dolmen”

This technique is practiced to fulfill the immediate desires of the soul. That is, during it, you do not set specific goals for yourself, but simply observe your condition. And then for a few days you pay attention to the events that will happen.

To get the desired effect, it is advisable to perform the practice of fulfilling the desired effect together with the technique of opening the soul.

We build a dolmen around us. It is a Cube within a cube with a hole facing north. The back wall is concave. You are inside a trigonal bipyramid. The light enters the hole from the north, is directed at you, reflects off the back wall and enters you. Imagine how the light reveals to you the flow of abundance.

It is important to maintain a state of openness in which your intuition can manifest itself. During meditation, do not think about the execution of the plan, do not analyze. Concentrate on the feeling of abundance, your impressions and emotions, and then your inner voice will surely sound!

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Natalia Repina – Meditation on the fulfillment of a wish

Schedule of lectures, meditations, courses, and practical classes.

Host: Natalia Repina

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