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Lack of love is not a diagnosis, but a program failure

A karmic and true partner. The path of soul Development

We choose each other for a reason. We meet those who already exist in our subconscious.

The impression that you know a person for a hundred years, although you see it for the first time-is surprising. If you dig deep into yourself, most often, you will find there both the cause and the effect of such a feeling. External similarities, similar habits, and many other things that seem familiar to us.

The truth crystallizes over time. With a lovely paradise in a hut, it will be endured — it will be loved. No wonder that for centuries the Russian people have invented such sayings.

Karmic partners may be convenient, they may be desirable, but there will be no harmony and mutual understanding. The feeling will quickly go away, leaving resentment, discontent and … a hut. As a rule, such marriages are not strong, they do not have financial stability, spiritual warmth.

Why to meditate?

Each person is open in its structure. But in ordinary life, we are all packed.

During the meditations, there is an opening, an unpacking.

All the information is inside us, about what kind of partner we need, what kind of relationship will be ideal. During your meditations, you will come to know both about yourself and your true partner. About who suits you best.

If you set out to accept a new relationship, a new self, to give yourself the opportunity to live your own life, and not the conventions imposed by society, you will receive not just information and an image, but also guidance on how to find your purpose in life, your true partner.

The first experience of meditation is usually very vivid and memorable. In the future, by constantly meditating on your own or with a course teacher, you can get new emotions. They will be more intense and have a different level. With them, you can rise to the next level and accept a new self. Decide on a new life and a new relationship.

Understand and accept

Of course, one can ask the question: why meditate?

You can go to a psychologist, get a consultation, calm down, and live in peace for a while. But, we must remember that the energy of the received information will soon run out.

You will be forced to go for a new portion to avoid depression, and it will turn into an addiction. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

And the Topology of Consciousness allows you to decide for yourself what to do. Clearly see the goals, and receive an infinite amount of information, light, determine the path of development of the soul.

You will feel that you are changing, and everything around you is changing at the same time. The process will not be instantaneous, but the question of how to find your purpose in life will no longer frighten you.

Because you will have new emotions, new opportunities, new goals.

Important things in Meditation

There is no need to be afraid to do something wrong, to meditate incorrectly. On our website there are special videos for beginners, in the section “Meditations”. They describe in detail how to do this with the greatest benefit.

Different emotions are possible. Some begin to cry, and are ashamed of their tears.

Absolutely in vain.

Tears wash away the false experience. There is an independent cleaning of the body at the mental level.

The Topology of Consciousness technique provides information on how not to make mistakes in the future. How to find your purpose in life. To understand it, to go this way. If you realize that the person next to you is your true partner, then meditation will help to establish a relationship with him.

If you understand that this is a karmic union, then meditations will help you finish it correctly, accurately. You will be able to create a reality in which you will close all relationships and be able to move on with your life.

In any case, the decision will be yours.

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