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Meditations for men

When we use the word “meditation”, we usually think of women in the classic lotus position. But did you know that back in the 80s of the 20th century, training in meditation techniques was conducted during the training of the US Marine Corps and special Forces.

Masculinity is now perceived incorrectly, it is based on cruelty and strength.

The main thing that a man should have is will. Initially, the character should be dominated by such traits as endurance, the ability to take responsibility for yourself, for the fate of your beloved woman and children.

However, in modern society, there are many things that negatively affect these personal qualities: these are both constant stresses and peculiarities of upbringing.

And the will is concentrated unconditional love, and light.

Psychological fatigue and emotional failures not only cause depression, but also weaken the immune system, lead to a decrease in performance, deterioration of memory and mental activity.

The opportunity to learn how to effectively resist stressful situations and cope with difficulties — that’s what meditation is primarily useful for men.

It gives strength, whereas alcohol, for example, takes it away. Meditation classes restore the balance of energy in the body and strengthen the strength of the spirit, support physical and mental health.

Popular techniques

Men are mainly interested in the following types of meditation:

On success.

Meditation on attracting money and other material values.

For health and rejuvenation.

To increase the male power.

Meditations for the strong half of humanity are mostly associated with achieving success and superiority, since these factors are the main components of male happiness.

Meditation on raising money gives you the opportunity to be independent. Become your own guide to success. A person can assert their rights with dignity and confidence, and not allow themselves to be manipulated.

Learning the technique of meditation is most effective at the moment when a man begins to hear his inner self. Then decisions are no longer made spontaneously, guided by emotions. A man does not have to bend, pushing himself and his interests into the background.

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