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Metaphysics of awareness

Methods of topology of consciousness can radically change the worldview. And the information component makes it possible to see the reasons for the events that are happening to us. Step by step, understand where it all started and how it all went on.

It is this sudden understanding of the process that is called awareness.

The obvious – the improbable

Awareness permanently reverses the worldview in the context of a particular situation. Many describe this phenomenon as embedding in the structure of the information that has long been known, but it was simply taken into account, and not assimilated. Awareness is not like ordinary knowledge. It’s like deja vu. Something incredibly familiar, but forgotten.

Meditation-purification of energy

Each time, in our meditations, we, working with the light, get the knowledge that we already had – we come to this world with our own personal program. But, over time, pure information is clogged with the information that society brings to us. Meditation is vital energy. It unpacks our cluttered souls of life experiences. It gives them the opportunity to gain strength to implement new plans.

Opening up, our soul remembers its true purpose, its vector, which was originally laid down. We always say in our lectures that the true path knows no obstacles.
It is awareness that concerns simple, everyday moments, everyday relationships, habits from childhood, and the like. Each of these realizations updates our program. It takes you to a new level of worldview and communication with the world around you. Awareness stays with us forever. There’s no turning back.

What brain improvisations do we observe in the process of awareness

The brain, as a complex cellular structure, is very fond of new things. This is his passion: not to understand-to understand. Develop the new-neglecting the old. So it is in this case: the brain ceases to think according to the usual scheme. It is now obsolete.

The brain begins to use a new simple and clear direct connection to make new decisions. He won’t let us do anything to hurt him anymore. his experience brought him emotional instability and frustration.

And the brain remembers the negative. We are used to these attitudes from childhood. We can only be bad or only good-without semitones, and this is also fixed by neural connections as a dogma.

Now the brain will think about how to get out of this situation, because it has realized clearly and clearly what is the reason for the situation. This awareness will never allow the brain to use the old connections, it will develop a new network around the new awareness. This is a new level of worldview, a new level of a person.

Now the brain is forced to form a new neural connection specifically for this case. Clear and obvious.

Like a hammer and a hammered nail – there is no doubt about the connection of these parameters. So there is no doubt about it. An event from early childhood turned out to be directly related to the situation now. As a child, the child was often kept on a sense of guilt and debt, now he has a mortgage and five unaffordable loans. The brain suddenly brought it together – there was a new neural connection-awareness!

When meditating with us, students begin to understand what is happening from a new point of view – from the outside it looks like a discovery, like an epiphany, like an open door to another, new life.

Meditation – vital energy

You can read a lot of books and become an academician of all sciences, but without meditation, new connections in the brain will not appear. Drawing information from the outside is certainly useful, but it is even more useful to embed this information in your internal baggage forever.

Meditation is the purification of energy, the setting of our desires on the right wave. To become aware-you do not need to be perfect, you need to be open to new things, have the desire to apply the information received, and not just store it in the brain baggage. Not just listening, but doing it.

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