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Meditations on health and purification

Health is the natural state of the body. If we are ill, but can not achieve recovery, or we have trouble in life, then there are negative attitudes on our mental body (subconscious) that require healing. But the process of purification is complicated by the fact that these attitudes are written deep on the mental plane. To achieve recovery, you need to realize them and remove them. That is, recovery is achieved through the development of consciousness — you can achieve a therapeutic effect with the help of meditation for health and healing.

Our healing meditations are aimed at restoring health and purifying the physical and all subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental) from unnecessary attitudes — they will begin to go away by themselves. By practicing meditation to heal the whole body, you can improve your health, restore your body, and return to a harmonious and fulfilling life.

Meditations on health and cleansing can be done on any day. The 23rd day of each month is considered the most favorable-the planet gets rid of unnecessary waste information. But you can do these meditations in any quantity and at any time convenient for you – everything will only benefit.

Meditation Techniques for Healing

Meditation for purification and recovery can be done on any day. The 23rd day of each month is considered the most favorable for cleansing and conducting healing meditations aimed at recovery, when the planet gets rid of unnecessary waste information. But you can listen to our recovery meditations in any quantity online at any convenient time — they will bring a healing effect to your body.

To start a meditation for cleansing the body, you can simply listen to online music or turn on the video on this page. Tune in to healing, restore health, take a comfortable position, do not cross your legs and arms.

For purification and recovery, imagine how the healing light enters the top of the head, fills the entire energy-informational structure of the body and exits through the first chakra. At the level of the first chakra (the base of the coccyx), put a translucent Mirror. 50 % of the healing light passes through the Mirror and through the outer meridian, through the atmic body, goes back to the top of the head. The remaining 50 % of the light is reflected from the Mirror and rises up the structure, helping to cleanse and restore the entire body. Additionally, light constantly enters the top of the head: spatial (the light of the surrounding space),monadic(the light of the Universal monad, the Higher Self), luminous (white, sparkling). In order for the practice to have a healing effect, promote recovery and healing of the entire body, we synchronize our intention with our hologram of the ideal health of the body that you had at birth.

Natalia Repina – Meditation on healing and purification

Schedule of lectures, meditations, courses, and practical classes.

Host: Natalia Repina

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