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The first step to Meditation: Where to start?

The first meditation is an exciting moment when you want to become aware, but you don’t know where to start. You can also meditate at home, you do not need to have a lot of free time or a huge apartment. We have general meditations online for beginners, but you can meditate individually. On our channel there is music for exercises for beginners.

The beginning of the path

The first step of meditation is the right attitude. Beginners are often afraid that they will not be able to meditate correctly, will not achieve a positive effect, will not find the time, place to do exercises, and much more. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the fact that you can get rid of such disturbing thoughts and tune in positively. Everything that happens during meditation is correct!

The next step is to choose a pose. The position of the body should be comfortable, so that nothing distracts from the first practice.

After that, it’s time to move on to choosing the right technique. Meditation for beginners who do not know where to start, should be easy, not requiring much effort and difficult concentration.

In the future, the beginner only needs to practice regularly. The ability to concentrate and achieve detachment comes with experience and regular classes. On our website you will find a lot of meditation techniques, video lessons that will easily allow you to master the initial level.

Meditation techniques

Auto-trainings and music help us to tune in to the result. It is enough to include any songs on our website and listen to them at any convenient time.

The musical fragments are chosen to move your brain into a more meditative alpha state.

Meditative filling with light. It is not difficult to imagine that we absorb light from the surrounding space like a sponge. This practice can be done at work, in transport, in any place convenient for you. It helps to harmonize your state, calm your emotions, and relieve tension.

Meditation on emotions helps to get rid of feelings of anger, teaches us to work with our state at the moment of our dependence on our own thoughts. The feeling of anger, for example, can not always be stopped. Emotions scale, not allowing us to think. To think, and to have time to realize the cause and the way to eliminate it before you begin to act – the goal of such meditation.

In the Topology of Consciousness courses, we often give examples of such consequences. When we do that unconsciously, and Vice versa.

Meditation on sound gives us awareness of our own body. We listen to sounds consciously and perceive only the information that helps us to establish contact with our inner self.

We write the future ourselves

No need to invent a list of dreams and get upset when something does not come true.

We don’t always ask for what we REALLY need. Many dreams do not come from our soul, but are imposed by society — this is how our EGO is formed.

With meditations on the technology of Topology of Consciousness, we learn to hear ourselves — our true desires, as a result, we begin to dream correctly, so that the results eventually bring us happiness. And the wishes that come from our soul always come true!

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