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Muladhara Meditation

Meditation on the chakras is an effective way to adjust the work of the energy centers of a person. The first (main, root) chakra in the system of energy centers is the Muladhara. Its main purpose is to connect with the material world.

Value and properties

Muladhara is located at the base of the spine, in the pelvic floor area: the color is red, the shape is a lotus with 4 petals. It is responsible for a sense of security, confidence, survival, and basic needs.

The following signs indicate that the first energy center is unbalanced:

  • With an overabundance of energy, there is an excessive craving for food, money and other material pleasures, expressed selfishness, cruelty, and the imposition of one’s opinion. Such people have hypertension, obesity, and joint diseases.
  • With a lack of energy, weakness, rapid fatigue, apathy, laziness, and inability to solve financial problems develop. In terms of health, problems with the spine, uterine fibroids, impotence, and prostate adenoma are common.

Harmonization of Muladhara

Meditation for activating and balancing Muladhara is a must for every person. After all, when you find balance in the root chakra, you find balance in all aspects of life. To normalize its work, you can use various meditation techniques. Let’s describe one of them.

This meditation is best done sitting down, the spine should be straight, the hands should be placed on your knees, palms up. Straighten your shoulders, take a few deep breaths, and relax.

Focus your attention on the base of the coccyx. Concentrate on the Muladhara until you feel warm (some feel hot).

Stay in this state for 3-4 minutes, then focus on the top of your head. Imagine how light enters you through the top of your head, passes along the spinal column, and fills the Muladhara.

Set the intention to transform all light into etheric energy that will saturate every cell of your physical body. Enjoy the warmth that spreads throughout the body and complete the meditation.

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