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Combining crystals into a single information system

This system allows each person with a crystal to connect to a single information base, which simultaneously combines our own knowledge (acquired and introduced), and allows us to connect to the planetary information base. Through the planetary information system, through the Akashic Records or the information field, we will be able to connect with the information base of any other systems – the Solar System, individual Star systems, Galaxies, etc., depending on how your consciousness will perceive and understand this or that information.

To get information, your intentions should be concrete, not abstract. For example, “I want happiness!”. For everyone, it is different-individual, so abstract intentions will not be fulfilled. No matter how much you say it, even for days on end, it will not be fulfilled. There are specific parameters for each person, criteria for happiness-I want something that will bring me an understanding of happiness. In any other areas, too, the intentions should be specific – for example, to help in understanding languages or other information. So that there is no such thing as ” I ask, but nothing comes to me.”

If what you ask is up to you, then don’t expect help from outside, you should do it yourself. As they say: “Do not expect help from God, do it yourself.”

Those who only buy a crystal, or do not have a crystal at all, if you do not know what you need, then you need to turn to your individual Higher Self. Then what you get, you get what you need. And you can only be offended at yourself, for not understanding either yourself or your Higher Self.

Combining into a single information network does not mean that you lose your identity. In any case, you remain yourself. You only have access to another information base — the combined one of all those who have crystals. Through the united consciousness, it is easier to connect to the information field of the Earth, when your own knowledge and capabilities, structure and consciousness are not enough to connect. This is where the unified consciousness allows you to connect quickly and easily.

Those who have the 4 and 5 app already have access to the individual Higher Self to some extent, and through it it is quite easy to interact with any information databases. After 3 hours, the application also works with external information databases. It depends on what kind of questions you ask, since the questions should be specific, on this or that knowledge. The “I want to know everything” intention will not work. It is not possible to know everything. Then you just have to disappear from here. When we are here in the physical body, our material part will not survive, roughly speaking, it will burn. When you become a pure consciousness, then you can connect.

Since our crystal structure will be connected not only with the information part, but also with the energy planetary structure, in order for it to manifest itself well enough, it is desirable to visit several places. And the faster, the better for you. Of course, it will also develop, but more slowly. For comparison, you need to visit different places to understand, compare your energy with different places. Since the energy structure of the planet is quite diverse, as well as each of us has a diverse energy system. And in order to understand the space-what is happening and how it is happening, you need to visit different regions – the Black Sea region is not only the Crimea, but the entire coast that belongs to Russia, the western part of the North Caucasus, the Kola Peninsula, the Altai-Baikal Region, Western Siberia (Omsk and Tyumen regions) and preferably the Far East.

This energy is necessary for us to disappear all the problems in the body. “A healthy body has a healthy mind.” You need a medium to store information somewhere, so that you can live for a long time and pass this information to someone, and not take it with you back to where you came from.

We come to the question, why was the application 5 included in the crystals?

In our SST 1 and SST 2, the internal spatial structure will change, it will be closer to the spatial structure of the application 5.

5 the app helps you to understand yourself more accurately and clearly, so that with the questions ” Where am I from?”, ” Who am I?”, ” What is our purpose?” they fell behind all the presenters and didn’t ask.

The structure of the application 5 allows you to reveal all this in itself, through the assimitric space, that is, changing the structure of space, our energy allows you to reveal all the records. As on the hard disk in the computer, we wrote something, and then erased it. Physically, it will not disappear anywhere, the record that you erased can be restored. So the record that was in you when you were incarnated here has also been erased, but it has not gone anywhere, it has remained. The spatial structure of the application allows you to reproduce all this again. Then all your questions disappear.

This does not mean that it will happen immediately, as soon as you sit down there and turn on the SST, it takes time.

All SSTs will be linked to the system of all crystals. Accordingly, everyone who has crystals should come to the SST with their own crystal, since the spatial structure and information base will be changed from today.

For those who do not have crystals, the SST-1.1 version will be used. Through SST-1.1. it will be possible for each person to also connect to the information base, but only when your consciousness and structure are ready.

For those who have crystals, the version of SST- 2.1 will be available – – this will speed up the process of mastering the entire system, all levels of information bases, i.e. you will get access. The crystal helps you to master everything faster, to change your consciousness, your energy.

There will be another SST directly related to physiology, i.e. for the physical body. This is for those who want to quickly get rid of certain diseases in the body, or restore something, fix it. This is aimed at the future and is necessary so that our body can adapt to different climatic conditions. For example, astronauts in zero gravity also have quite strong changes, the more they fly, the more changes. To avoid this, preparation is required so that we are as little as possible exposed to external conditions, including our immunity, which is more resistant to various diseases, colds and other changes.

At the end of this year or the beginning of next year, the SST-3 will appear, it will look different and the filling will be different — for the most “pushed”. For the mentally ill, this would be the most normal thing, since it would be aimed at restoring the activity of the brain, would be the most appropriate tool. But that’s in the future. We’ll try it out on ourselves first.

All the variations of the SST that are now available, they remain to be used as you wish. But for those who have SST-2 crystals, it is mandatory. However, if someone wants to be slow, they can develop for months and years. The development still depends on how often you use the crystal in your daily life and how well you formulate the questions. A lot depends on this, too.

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