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Crystals for meditation.

Crystals for meditation. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced participants. What it is for and how to use it-it contains 10 programs that help:

1. Structure and harmonize the space.
2. Read all the information about the person.
3. Establish relationships in society.
4. Show true feminine qualities.
5. Get rid of diseases.
6. Establish cash flow and abundance.
7. And much more.

Unfolding the structure itself within the crystal will increase awareness.

To activate the spatial structure inside the ball, you need to get it out of there with your consciousness and expand it in space, visualizing the detailed structure around you.

The shaping program works with its own spatial structure: subtle bodies, energy centers, and channels. And also-work with the surrounding space, places where we live or work.

You can learn more about each of the 10 programs in the full course on crystals.

Now the crystals are united in a single information network.

At the moment, there are several types of crystals. They are described in this article. You can read about the money crystal in a separate article. Other types of crystals for more complex work are used in sensory magic.

Main crystal (round)

Structure description:

The 7 rings represent the sevenfold system in our world: the principle of our universe. The octahedron consists of tetrahedra. The tetrahedron is the unit of our three- dimensional world, the first element of three- dimensional space. The 12 lines (sides in the octahedron) symbolize the 12 dimensions in the universe. 8 tetrahedra give rise to the volume of the entire structure. If the figure is divided in half, then you get 5 tetrahedra. 5+5=10 tetrahedra, which are connected by another line. They represent spirit and matter: duality is also a principle of our world. Thus, the figure inside the crystal represents the spatial structure of our universe.


The main crystal includes 10 programs:

— Structuring the space
— Shaping the space
— Shaping of biological objects
— Merging of all levels of consciousness
— Society
— Transgress
— Contacts of the fourth kind
— Access to databases of other civilizations and the Book of Abysses
— A manifestation of true femininity
— Structure of the Sixth Appendix

In the main crystal, the spatial structure of the 6 application is installed in order to master this structure. This is the basis for working with the information matrix of the application’s crystal 6, so that the user’s structure can search for the similarity of its EISC counterpart.

Main crystal (rectangular)

The structure inside is the same as in the Main Round Crystal.


Solving planetary-level issues related to earth conditions – health, everyday life, relationships, etc.

In addition to the main 10 programs, this crystal includes an additional:

11. Working with the family budget.

In this part, the crystal can be connected to a network of money crystals to exchange data of the earth’s information field in the economic sphere.

Both Main crystals (round and rectangular) are connected to a single network of crystals for the exchange of information at different levels.

Crystal “Money”

Structure description:

An octahedron with a bipyramid inside contains 12 lines and is surrounded by three ring structures. Around there are 7 more rings and two reverse stars at the top and bottom.


The crystal contains the information base of the planet’s economy.

Money is essentially energy transformed into matter. The work is done by consciousness, by labor, it is an energy created by ourselves. When we connect our consciousness with the crystal structure, it allows us to connect with the information field of the Earth, and this information is transformed into energy. Then you need a clear statement of intent, what information you want to get: working with money directly or not directly, organizing any businesses, managing family finances so that there are no useless expenses, and so on.

Before you meditate, decide what you want to organize or understand. Formulate a specific task in advance, what information to get, to what extent. Then activate the structure, connect your consciousness to it, and it reads your parameters for a while. There is a connection with the information field of the Earth, then set the intention. The implementation time of the desired product depends on the specified volumes. At the household level, the issue is resolved almost immediately. In the case of the organization of a large enterprise or transaction, more time is required. It may turn out that you do not have enough knowledge and will have to learn more.

The crystal gives out information, but does not assimilate it for you. For better assimilation of information, use the main crystal or a Third application in addition.

The money crystals will be combined into a separate network with a central money crystal. Thus, by connecting your consciousness to the information field of the planet, you are connected to the network. Structured coins are also included here.

Crystal “13 Reverse Stars”

Structure description:

The reverse star is three tetrahedra that are connected by one of the corners (two vertices) and, thus, another tetrahedron is formed inside, directed by the vertex in the opposite direction. Reverse stardom allows us to manifest ourselves from the seventh dimension.


Reverse Stardom – as a translator. This crystal allows you to manifest the information about yourself that you have not encountered before. In order to comprehend it and understand it, so that it penetrates us into three-dimensional space and settles down in our mind,we limit it to the reverse star. With reverse stardom, we build conditions in order to understand the information that comes to us, and not feel overloaded.

This crystal helps to understand the very essence of life. Find answers to questions: Who are you? Where did your consciousness come from? Is your Self whole or part of a higher order from the hierarchy of Higher Selves? Reverse stardom brings information from the seventh dimension, that is, from where the gods live, the field structures – those who no longer have a physical body. That is, this tool makes it possible to interact with phenomena that everyone knows about, but no one has seen, such as the electric field or the information field.
It also contains one of the elements that is used in working with the Architect. A complex of different applications and crystals, plus the owner’s consciousness, makes it possible to work with the Architect.

Crystal “Transgress”

Structure description:

The transgress consists of an icosahedron with six reverse stars and flows. Inside, the structure of the space is different, reticulated, but it is not drawn, because it would not be visible to the rest of the lines.


Transgress is used to connect with other dimensions, worlds, and objects to get information.

The starting point of the stationary transgress is on Earth, and the second point is in the Star Temple.

Transgress is similar to the metro network. This program helps you get information about who we are and where we really come from. You should open the space of the crystal and set parameters: for example, show the place where we were last time, our planetary incarnation. In the Star Temple, you can also get archived data on all travelers through the Transgress. The crystal “Transgress” is necessary for knowledge about other civilizations, about their incarnations, for obtaining household or scientific information.

When we place our consciousness in the central part-the icosahedron, then our structure and consciousness change due to the inverse stars. This is how we get access to the information base. All the answers we get there depend on correctly asked questions. The questions should be specific and clear.

For beginners, the program “Transgress” in the general crystal is enough, where the information directly concerns the information about the person himself and the general archive. In a specialized crystal, it is possible to obtain knowledge of the scientific and practical order, to set any parameters. With this information, you can, for example, write science fiction, describe other worlds in detail.

Crystal ” Structure of the Fifth Application”

Structure description:

Inside the ring structures there is an inverse star and 3 bipyramids-according to the number of three basic parameters: body-soul-spirit. The 7 rings are the 7 planes of being that unite all the planes of space. There are 12 horizontal streams of over-the- horizon light. Vertically there are 3 streams of luminous light. This is the basis of manifestation and detail.


Display in an asymmetric space and detail.

This crystal contains projections of all non- symmetric (non-integer, fractional) spaces that are allowed in our three-dimensional space. You can work with non-symmetric spaces when the sum of all parameters is synchronized with the parameters of our space. Our space is characterized by a triplicity: body- soul-spirit. That is, all the parameters of other spaces, reduced to the numbers 3,6,9, can be synchronized with our own. When we open an asymmetric space, the detail is revealed. We begin to see details that we haven’t seen before. This makes it possible to look at ourselves differently, to reveal in more detail who we really are, the features of our interaction with the environment in the information, emotional, and energy terms.

The crystal contains only the spatial structure of the Fifth Application. When installing the Fifth Application, an information component is added to the human structure. The owner of the crystal does not become the owner of the application itself, but can interact with its structure.

The information component of these crystals is focused on the consciousness of the owner. We connect the consciousness with the structure inside the crystal and clearly formulate our request.

Crystal ” Sixth Application”

The Crystal 6 application has a built-in information program for converting and synchronizing the structure with the “Architect” and an algorithm for converting the structure as when finding its counterpart, since finding its counterpart is very problematic.

Algorithm for working with crystals

Crystals for meditation., image #2

– take the crystal in your hand, examine the structure inside

– use your spatial imagination to expand the internal structure around you

– set the intention to connect the consciousness with the crystal structure and formulate your specific request (activate any program or at your discretion)

– start your meditation, observe what is happening..

Possible reactions:

Crystals for meditation., image #3

During meditation with crystals, you can observe different images, pictures, the appearance of different thoughts, any sensations in the body and energy-informational structure. As a rule, at the initial level, the appearance of sensations in the etheric and physical body is noted. As you practice, you can observe the activation of the 4th and 6th centers, the flow of information from the Buddhist level.

In addition, after completing the meditation with crystals, it is necessary to track events in the surrounding world – incoming information from outside, your contacts, emerging desires or, conversely, the disappearance of previous attachments or habits, and so on.time parameters and field of activity.

Customizing the space with a crystal

Crystals for meditation., image #4

When we expand the space of the crystal for others, we must explain to the person what will happen, why, and what the result will be. To do this, you need to experiment with your structure in order to feel first of all the physiology, our emotional state, and remember what is happening. This will be your benchmark against which you will compare others.

The standard should always be harmonious. When you get into another space, to other people, it affects your structure. If a person is not harmonious, he begins to stand out, he has noticeable dips in energy, which will stand out from the general background. We pay attention to such a person. If a person is harmonized, all changes in the course of interaction with the new space are integrated harmoniously. For example, when you come to our hall to meditate, you synchronize with a harmoniously arranged space, which allows you to come to a more harmonious state after all your daily activities. When you come home, you have to bring yourself to a normal state in order to build the space of the house, because our emotions and thoughts are interconnected with the space.

Adding polyhedra

Crystals for meditation., image #5

In the spatial structure of the crystal, we can embed polyhedra. Usually we use regular polyhedra, there are many of them. Find for yourself the optimal shape of the polyhedron, necessarily spatial, and not simple geometric, because this will not work to the desired extent. After that, a mutual process begins: you act on space, and space acts on your consciousness. There is a process of synchronization and amplification of each other.

You can set the form at your own discretion, you can start from your energy structure, starting from the physical body, ending with the atmic body, or you can set the entire structure as a whole. Spatial shaping works because every cell in our body, every molecule, has its own spatial structure. The Transformation Light can be added to the shaping (not the Transformation Space, but the Light!), because it affects the cellular level. Then the process of influencing the body and structure will be much more effective.

The wording in this paper should be precise, not vague. You can work with the body in this way in terms of health, improve the structure of a particular organ, if it is not quite favorable. For example, for colds or inflammatory lung diseases. The lungs occupy a certain volume, in the structure of the lungs there are alveoli, where there is a gas exchange of carbon dioxide bubbles with oxygen bubbles from the atmosphere. Due to spatial shaping and Light transformation, we can expand the volume of bubbles, increase the intake of air bubbles by the alveoli for better filling of the lungs with air. This process allows you to speed up the recovery process.

When working with the structure and our consciousness as a whole, we also need to be clear about what we want, and not something abstract. For shaping, you need to represent a specific shape, like specific bricks, from which we will build a specific house.

The elementary particle in space is a tetrahedron, with which we can build whatever we want. The simplest thing we can build is a trigonal bipyramid consisting of two tetrahedra. Increasingly complex shapes are also sets of tetrahedra.

Elena Vlasova

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