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Dreams, reality, meditation

Meditation – health of the soul

The main task of meditation is to make it clear to a person that for him it will be the best, shortest way to the harmonious development of all life processes.

People strive to realize their dreams, often not realizing that the true dream simply can not break through from under the pile of conventions and rules of society.

From the inability to live your life, a person begins to suffer. The body is usually the first to react to this with diseases and nervous breakdowns.

Meditation is a necessity. How programs imposed on us by society and parents work.

A woman came to us with depression, a bunch of chronic diseases, on the verge of divorce and with huge problems with children.

A meditation on health begins and it turns out in the process that all her childhood, her mother, who did not have a family life, kept saying: a woman should be with a man, only with a man a woman is complete, it is a shame to be unmarried.

The girl grew up and directed all the goals and means to achieve the task set by her mother. Every prayer was for her husband and children. And the universe heard it.

She had a man, a family, and children in her life. That’s all. She might relax. But scandals began in the family, the husband drank, beat her, did not work.

The social aspect was already working here: hitting means loving. Who needs me with the kids? Everyone lives like this.

For this woman, meditation, health, and recovery became the reason to come to our courses.

By meditating with a curator and on her own, she begins to receive information. And the answer to the question comes: why am I so unhappy? Even in her youth, she was given the opportunity for self-realization.

She was engaged in handmade, painted, wrote poetry. But I kept telling myself that it wouldn’t make any money, and it was all nonsense. Again, the individual chose not his own path, but the one imposed by society.

Here is a real example of a person entering meditation as if it were pure water.


The best meditation techniques make it clear that your problem is much deeper than quarrels with your children and husband. Your own dissatisfaction and the realization that you deserve more includes powerful mechanisms for activating hidden reserves, and meditation on health- protection from external influences.

Only working on problems can fix them. They won’t go away by themselves. The development of spiritual potential, the mood for happiness-all this is given an impetus by meditation. Healing always comes in its own time. When your soul is ready to accept and appreciate this gift of the universe.

There is no magic in the fact that people begin to feel better, many diseases go away. Sleep is normalized.

Physically and mentally, it all feels like an influx of a huge amount of energy.

Meditation-a way of life

During meditation we use the music — it gives the opportunity to facilitate the entrance into a meditative state. By meditating, we get the information we need, open the streams that are needed at the moment. Out of nowhere, there are many opportunities for the implementation of initiatives. Money channels are activated.

Many people talk about this moment: whatever I do, everything works out.

Meditation helps many people to be in good shape. Health is restored.

One of the most important signs that you are on your way is that there are no obstacles. You walk calmly, smoothly, and nothing hinders you.

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