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Money Crystal

A money crystal can be called an energy or information crystal, since its component is energy (information).

Money is transformed energy, in the form of pieces of paper. This is the equivalent of the work that is done by people with the help of consciousness, physical or mental labor. This is the energy we created, printed on paper, that is, transformed into a form that can be transmitted. The energy that is embedded in the money crystal cannot be transmitted directly, but when we connect our consciousness with the structure of the crystal, it allows us to connect with the information field of the Earth and receive information, and any information received can be transformed into energy in the form of knowledge or ideas.

For example, an idea in the form of a recipe for pies will bring you profit from its implementation. In this way, you are converting energy into matter. You can implement just an idea, for example, a recipe and technology on how to bake pies, this will also bring you profit. There can be many examples.

The main function of the Money Crystal is that it allows you to synchronize with the information field of the Earth, and then it depends on you – what you want to get, what information you need.

If you have a business or you want to build it correctly, then with the help of the money crystal, all the information about how to work with money, how to effectively interact with banking, accounting and financial organizations will become available to your mind.

However, the money crystal is useful not only for businessmen, it also helps in the arrangement of family life. The information of the crystal will help to save and increase the family’s finances, so that there are no useless expenses in the form of impulsive purchases, when money is spent on extra food, clothing, and so on. According to statistics, only 10% of the population competently use their family budget. Often people buy a lot of extra clothes at one time, as a result, “the closet is full, and there is nothing to wear” – this is a sign of irrational use of funds. People complain that there is not enough money, but this can be avoided if you correctly build the financial system in the family. The money crystal will give you an understanding of what to buy from the whole variety of things, so that the clothes are used, and not hung in the closet for years. And if you have a lot of unnecessary, useless things, then with the help of a money crystal, you can sell them profitably, so that it will bring you profit.

How to meditate with a money crystal?

Before you start meditating with it, you need to decide what information you need. The intent must be specific and precise.

In order for the crystal to work, you need to activate the spatial structure and connect the consciousness with it. For a while, the crystal will read your consciousness, you can feel that your brain is being searched. This is not someone else, but you are digging into yourself. Next, you set the intention that you connect consciousness with the information field of the Earth and form your request. In the head, as on a flash drive, the necessary information will begin to be downloaded.

The implementation time depends on the volumes and queries you specify. Answers and solutions to certain questions can come immediately, if these are household issues. If these are more global issues, it may take a longer time. You should be aware of the events that are necessary when organizing a business, understand taxation, financial rules, laws, document management, organization of staff work, etc. After the crystal has considered you, and it turned out that there is not enough knowledge in the right areas, then you may suddenly have a desire to go to study, for example, as a psychologist or accountant, in order to better understand the processes taking place and increase your competence.

Even if you are already working in a professional field, the crystal helps you gain more qualified experience and knowledge, which will help you in the future to grow up the career ladder and become a valuable employee.

Money crystal, image #2

There are a lot of options, but it depends on you what tasks you will set for the crystal and ask questions. Remember that the crystal will not do anything for you, it only helps to gain knowledge. For example, the crystal will tell you what book you need to buy, but you must read the book yourself.

In addition to the given intention, after activating the crystal, it is necessary to activate the mental body and the 6 center. For amplification, you can include 3, 6, 9, 10 centers. The additional activation of the Buddhic body will help in making decisions to accurately process the information that will come to you.

An example of using a money crystal by a housewife who runs a household – she unfolds the spatial structure of the crystal, activates the 6 center and the mental body, and sets the intention, for example, for the competent management of the family budget. After that, there will be a kind of reconfiguration in the head. You will start receiving information about what to buy, where, in what quantity, so that nothing is spoiled, there is no excess left. Or you will receive information about what you can sell or sell, so that the money is not “frozen” in unnecessary things, information on how to save money, etc.

The money crystal will not replace the main crystal. If you have extensive tasks, you can in addition use the programs of the main crystal to establish relationships in the team “Spatial Shaping” and “Society”, activate Applications 2 and 3, in order to better understand and process the information received and make the right conclusions.

Elena Vlasova.

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