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A polyhedron or polyhedronis usually a closed surface made up of polygons, but sometimes it is also called a body bounded by this surface. You can learn how to work with each structure and what opportunities this practice provides by looking at the intensive “Polyhedra”.

How can such a seemingly simple thing as a polyhedron affect consciousness and contribute to a rapid change in life? Our institute has tested everything experimentally.

To do this, we conducted Laboratory Work No. 1, and now we are conducting Laboratory Work No. 2, in which, if desired, you have time to take part. About this in more detail in the article “The activities of the Institute“.

We have already confirmed the hypothesis that each spatial structure affects our physical, energy state and our consciousness in different ways. Complex combinations have a greater impact on the development of self-awareness.

Why use polyhedra in meditation?

· thinking becomes voluminous;
· we begin to see situations in life from different sides. We are becoming more objective. We see cause-and-effect relationships in life that we haven’t seen before;
· increases the number of neural connections in the brain;
· the potential of consciousness is revealed, and the worldview changes;
· consciousness begins to work in a different rhythm, as all its levels begin to work synchronously (consciousness of the body, soul and higher Self).

We can all perfectly imagine a two-dimensional shape-a polygon. In three-dimensional space, a polygon becomes a polyhedron as it gains length, width, and height. The most common and well – known polyhedron is the pyramid. In 1949, experiments were conducted and a connection was discovered between the shape of the space inside the pyramid and the biological and physico-chemical processes in this space. It turned out that by changing the size of the pyramid, you can influence the ongoing processes, speeding up or slowing them down. This effect is known among advanced gardeners who arrange greenhouses of a pyramidal shape. Neurophysiological studies confirm the resonant effect of the pyramid on the human energy structure.

This effect and principle of operation are inherent in all polyhedra.

All polyhedra change not only physical and chemical processes, but also change the energy, consciousness and internal structure of space, the forms of all energy bodies and all levels of consciousness. Different polyhedra and their combinations enhance and accelerate the processes in the energy and information structure of a person. The most suitable for meditation are regular polyhedra, the so-called “Platonic bodies”: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron. In practice, these names quickly fall on the ear and the figures easily arise in the imagination.



Практикуя медитации в таком ключе приходит понимание своего Я. According to our scientists, the torsion field of the pyramid, which is inherently informational, interacts with the torsion fields of living and inanimate objects, harmonizes and corrects them, comparing them with the “information matrix“, which is located in the information field of the Universe.

Practice of using polyhedra in meditation

Simple polyhedra, the so-called Platonic solids, are the basis. And even the combination of these five bodies gives very different effects. Imagine yourself inside these bodies as you meditate. Combine and experiment with them. It is better to start with simpler and more understandable ones, and as you develop a three-dimensional consciousness, move on to more complex ones. Find the best option for yourself. If you have found the best option, then this is for yourself, but there are other options, you also need to know them. Because you communicate with people, and for each person, when you offer a person something to do with him, if he accepts-select, experiment.

Each spatial structure affects our physical and energetic state, and our consciousness. Complex combinations have a greater impact on the development of our awareness of ourselves as part of the entire universe.

In the practice of using polyhedra, it is necessary to understand that by setting the initial parameters in the process of meditation, or for working with the internal structure and your consciousness, or interacting with external information flows, due to the transformation of space, all processes move into a dynamic phase. At the same time, the light saturation of space increases, the interaction of our information matrix changes, and the potential of our consciousness is revealed. Our understanding of the world changes, consciousness begins to work in a different rhythm as all levels of our consciousness begin to work synchronously (the consciousness of the body, soul and higher Self). And as a result, our spatial sensitivity to the environment develops, our attitude to the events that happen to us changes.

Experiment with rings, with any polyhedron. What is inside the ring can be added – what is outside. There will also be different actions. Each person is multi-faceted, accordingly, this or that change reveals you.

Such work with space allows the record that we bring with us, on DNA molecules, to reproduce and expand. Because our task in life is to change ourselves, to prepare for future times. Because we won’t always live on planets. And our current physiology is tied to planetary civilizations. And in order to live in space, the body must be different. As Tsiolkovsky said: “We must become radiant.” That’s what you’re aiming for. But first you need to understand yourself. Why did you come here? And not just in this particular place, but in general.

We first analyze these or other points in detail, and then we collect all this, combine it, and a new version is obtained. It would seem that the same elements, but in combination they give a different effect.

Rotation of polyhedra in space.

The authors of the article are Pomortsev. V. I., Elena Vlasova

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