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Senzar magic

Probably, you are already familiar with such developments of our Institute as crystals, applications, SSC. All these are tools for the development of consciousness. All of them have a certain spatial structure, which should be activated at the beginning of the work. These geometric elements, of course, are not chosen by chance. Each instrument is based on sensory signs. What’s it?

NW “Charm”

Senzar signs are the ABC of the universe. This does not mean that aliens are sitting somewhere and leafing through books covered with incomprehensible symbols. Sensory signs are general graphic principles that can be understood by any level of consciousness in our outer space.

Look around you! Every minute we are surrounded by symbols, icons, icons-they are everywhere, on the street, on the equipment, on the packaging. Most of them are self-explanatory, they are generally accepted all over the planet. These are very simple elements: point, circle, line, bend, square, arrow, cross…

Even if a symbol has a different meaning for different peoples, all concepts are the same in relation to space. These simple elements make up the ABC of the universe – the sensory signs.

SZ «Harmony»
SZ «Harmony»

What are the sensory signs used for? For the organization of any processes, from creating a favorable atmosphere, receiving, transmitting and storing information to moving consciousness in space. With their help, you can, for example, systematize the material you heard at the seminar, structure the soup in the pot in the most favorable way for the body, relieve pain and generally use it to restore the body, get rid of bad habits – very useful skills!

How do you create sensory signs? In the crystal and the SSC, you can see the spatial structure in the static. By activating applications, you can observe the structure in dynamics, change the direction of light flows, and rotate it in different planes. Senzar signs contain 3 parts:

– graphic (the appearance itself, a set of elements)

– spatial (they are three-dimensional, not drawn on a plane, but are located in space)

– light (light-the carrier of information, the inherent intention).

Senzar sign
Senzar sign “Health”

The combination of graphic elements gives meaning to the sensational sign, what information the author has put into it, what consequences the sign will have.

It is important to understand that sensory signs are spatial structures, that is, by turning the sign at different angles, changing the position of the observer, you can see the sign in different ways.

Imagine, for example, a simple square hanging in space. If you turn it down at an angle, you will get a diamond, and if you look from above or from the side – you will see only a thin line, one edge. Or a straight line in space from the end will look like just a point. Thus, it is necessary to take into account this modification in the dynamic process of the sign. The same thing can be different in essence and vice versa.

You can view the signs in dynamics on our youtube channel:

Sensory signs are a necessary tool for the space operator. Senzar magic allows you to increase the sensitivity of space, make the mind flexible, quickly calculate situations and create combinations of signs.

There are many options for bends. In the material world, vectors are important. If we go on opposite courses, we encounter or briefly meet and do not understand each other.

Since we live in a space, we express its qualities. Because the topology is flexible, it is different. Otherwise, they would have been lying like stones.

Elena Vlasova.

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