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SSC-Health is designed to work directly with our physical body. The control crystals are programmed to synchronize with the ideal health matrix.

It can work in three modes. The program costs one, but it can adapt to each individual person.

If an absolutely healthy person comes to the SSC-health session, or a person who is simply tired of work, from everyday life, then in this case he will receive a state of joy and an additional influx of energy.

SSC-Health, image #1

In one of the modes, the lower crystal works more actively, it leads to the fact that a person activates 1 center, and it is connected to the etheric body – there is a recovery, there is a regeneration of cells due to the connection with the matrix of ideal health. This program helps to heal diseases that are related to physical health (for example, diseases of various internal organs, muscles, injuries, bruises, diseases of the immune system-viral, colds or genetic diseases). In this case, SSC-Health directly works with the physical and etheric body, since bruises and injuries damage and deform not only the physical body, but also the etheric body.

The second mode of SSC-Health is programmed to heal diseases associated with an emotional state, such as nervous disorders, stress, depression, headaches, and so on. In this program, the upper crystal works more actively, which activates the 2, 4 and 6 centers, there is a restoration not only at the level of the astral and mental bodies, but also the restoration of the soul program at the level of the causal body.

The third mode — when there are both physical diseases and nervous disorders in the aggregate, the lower crystal is first turned on, the work of subtle energies is carried out, then, as necessary, the upper crystal is launched, which activates the second application, synchronization with the matrix of ideal health occurs. With the synchronous operation of the upper and lower crystals, the energy passes through 3 meridians (ida, pingala, sushumna are the basic channels that form the energy centers). Since the energy centers are located not only on the etheric body, but also have projections on all bodies: on the astral, mental, causal, budhic and atmic, the influence goes on the entire energy- information structure of a person.

The upper crystal starts the process of cell regeneration, as it affects the endocrine system, which includes the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thymus – due to their work, the entire human system begins to recover. The more complex the disease and the more disorders, the longer it takes to work. In order for all organs to recover, cells to regenerate, you need a sufficiently large amount of energy, time, proper nutrition, drinking enough water, etc.

Well, if a person himself understands the cause of his diseases, then healing occurs faster. But not all people know what hurts them and what organ should be affected. If the operator of SSC-Health is able to identify the cause of the disease, then he directs the energy for healing there with his attention. But when the reason is not clear, in such cases, the operator does not interfere in any way, just starts the process and syncs with the ideal health matrix. The work immediately begins with the etheric body, because even when there are no obvious diseases on the body, it is possible to track violations in the etheric body. The operator can adjust the intensity of the exposure by setting the optimal mode for each person. It is not always necessary to work at the maximum, because after the sessions, the sensitivity increases, something that a person is already used to and did not pay attention to begins to be felt more acutely.

There are people who, on the contrary, have too much energy and they do not know where to put it, especially for hyperactive children. In this case, the energy is redistributed in the structure and the human condition is harmonized.

SSC-Health affects not only the physical body, but also our etheric, astral and mental bodies are activated during the session, as there is an impact on the physical body through thoughts and emotions. All other bodies (causal, budhic, and atmic) are also activated, but to a lesser extent.

SSC-Health, image #2

The SSC-Health structure is an octahedron or 2- application structure with control crystals and reflectors with crystals at the vertices of the structure, and 4 reverse stars are located outside the boundaries of the structure.

The person himself is the central flow, so initially there is a work of crystals located vertically. If a person comes with obvious diseases, in advanced cases, when, for example, the musculoskeletal system, spine, circulatory and nervous systems suffer, side crystals are triggered. Through the energy system, they begin to affect all the centers, the astral, mental body-to the place where the cause of the disease is located.

The reflectors build up 4 more elements that enhance the work of the SSC, when it is necessary to pump both the upper and lower centers. This is true when people come in a depressed or weakened state.

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