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What does alpha meditation give you and how to master it?

In normal life, the human brain works on the so- called beta rhythm, which is a conditional name for the functional activity of the brain.

This means that the activity is high, close to a stressful state. During the day, the brain works in alert mode, restless, ready to repel an attack, focused and distracted at the same time. This state is favorable for solving important tasks.

For example, during exams, focused work. But the psychological attitudes of society do not allow us to relax even when there is no need to remain in intense activity. An ordinary person can only relax closer to night, lying in bed, trying to fall asleep.

Then the brain goes into alpha wave mode with joy and relief.

Working with higher vibrations

The alpha rhythm of the brain gives us a sense of peace, a sense of well-being, and a reduction in anxiety.

If we talk about the physical side: there is warmth in the limbs, improvement of immune function.

In social terms-improving academic performance and increasing productivity in the workplace.

It is not necessary to think that in the alpha rhythm a person walks like a somnambulist.

The brain is functionally active, but decisions are easier to make because there is no need to overcome anxiety, tension, and emotional blocks.

Attracting good luck in your life is not only about events, but also about psychoemotional comfort, without which this process is impossible!

Alpha waves are the dream of meditators of all faiths.

This is a stable alpha waiting for hermits in the mountains, meditating for days, isolated from society. Many people meditate throughout their lives.

A simple meditation technique. Scientific research

Unfortunately, we can’t afford such a luxury, so modern meditation technologies have appeared. Our studies of brain wave activity prove the presence of a stable alpha rhythm in meditators using Topology of Consciousness technologies. It did not take decades, but it is enough to regularly find time for meditation for at least 7-9 months.

The transition of the brain to the alpha rhythm significantly changes the mental state, improves the quality of life, relationships with others.

Working with the higher vibrations fills us with the confidence that everything we dream of is available. Everyone can attract good luck into their life.

And it already depends on you how you will dispose of not only what you have at the moment, but also what else will be.

A simple meditation technique can be the key that opens the door to your true future.

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