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Meditation on love and attraction of the soul- mate

Meditation for attracting love is one of the most popular requests that are addressed to our Institute for the Development of Consciousness. To find your soul mate, men – the woman of dreams, and women – the man you love, you need to open your soul and become aware. In our practices (many of them are available online in our VK group), you will become aware, and this will help you in attracting a loved one and happy events.

Practice to saturate yourself with love light

Meditation on unconditional love (on video, you can listen and watch online), to fill yourself and others with it, to attract happy events:

  • We sit in an open pose.
  • We open our hearts and minds and saturate ourselves with the light of love.
  • We imagine how a light stream also comes from the center of the chest and fills our energy- informational structure.
  • Filled with light, we begin to distribute it to the space and to everyone around.

It’s simple. To become a happy person, you need to spend about 15 minutes a day. With regular practice, you will be able to attract only positive events and pleasant surroundings.

Natalia Repina – Meditation on Love

Practice on attracting the second half

In the article “How to meet your love“, as well as in the Lecture “Love” I tell you in detail how, through meditation, I learned who my husband, my true love, would be, and how I met him. Now I am happy to share with you my experience and meditation technologies.

Meditation on love in its true manifestation, on attracting a loved one and the associated happy events:

  • Take a comfortable position. You can turn on and listen to relaxing music.
  • Imagine a trigonal bipyramid and put in it information about what kind of person you need, how you would live with a loved one, how you spent happy days together, events, etc., as well as information about yourself: who you are, where you live, what you do.
  • An important condition is that you set the intention that the higher Self and your soul know better what your loved one will be like.
  • Fill the pyramid with light and build it into a space that has a cellular structure.
  • Feel how at each point of the spatial structure there is a contact with the information from your pyramid, and it dissolves.

Trigonal bipyramid

Meditation on the love of a man is recorded in the following video, which you can also watch and listen to online. Practice and listen to the love attraction meditation as often as you want and can.

Natalia Repina – Meditation on attracting the second half

Schedule of lectures, meditations, courses, and practical classes.

Host: Natalia Repina

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