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Meditations on opening the heart

In the heart chakra and in the monad, the consciousness of the spirit, soul and body is combined. This unity helps us to discover true love in ourselves, helps us to return to a state where nothing has affected our perceptions and feelings. Meditations on opening the heart allow us to enjoy it.

We cannot feel the spirit, our Higher Self, with our habitual senses, because it is immaterial. We will not be able to experience it as an emotion, to imagine it as a thought image. Only by meditating on the opening of the heart and meditating on the unification of all levels of consciousness can we reach the state in which it is possible to receive information from it. As you open up, your heart will gradually be cleansed of all the excess that prevents you from seeing your essence, your spiritual beginning.

Opening your heart through meditation will help you choose the right path in life, understand your purpose, and stop following false, imposed ideals. Disclosure will get rid of everything brought from the outside, purify your heart center, leave only light — and therefore, life will be filled with peace and harmony.


Meditation for the heart will allow us to connect all three levels of consciousness (spirit, soul and body).

Turn on the music. Make sure that no one distracts you. Take the most comfortable position, put your hands on your knees, palms up. Move your consciousness to the center of your chest, synchronize it with the monad of the first level (body) and direct the monadic light (the light of our monad, our spirit, the Higher Self), fully open up.

Then connect with the second-level monad (soul), continue to fill the center of the chest with light. Then synchronize with the third-level monad (Higher Self, spirit). Allow yourself to lose yourself in this state. Don’t try to focus on anything. Relax and just be. The duration of the practice is approximately 15-20 minutes

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