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How to start meditating? Meditations for beginners at home

Meditation is becoming more popular every year. Its effectiveness has already been evaluated by many successful people. Regular classes give such impressive results that meditation techniques are actively beginning to be introduced in medical and children’s educational institutions. The effects that practice gives are available to everyone, even at home, and you can see this for yourself. We tell you how to conduct meditation sessions at home, and share tips for beginners: they will help you avoid frequent mistakes.

Learn to meditate in 3 steps

Choosing a place and time

Find a comfortable place to study at home. It depends on how quickly you can learn how to meditate, so evaluate your own chosen place according to 3 conditions:

  • Distance from noise sources. For beginners, it is better to meditate where you can not hear the sounds of the TV, the noise of construction or extraneous conversations. Not everyone can find such a place at home. You can meditate in the kitchen, in the bathroom, even in the hall.
  • Distractions. How can you practice meditation at home if family members can approach you at any time and distract you? No way, it is unlikely to concentrate. Therefore, ask your family in advance to leave you alone for the duration of the meditation.
  • Clean air. An important condition during classes is to focus on the breath. Therefore, if there is little oxygen in the room, do not start the session until you have ventilated the room.

Under standard conditions, the best time to meditate, especially at the very beginning of its development, is in the morning and evening. During the lunch hours, the surrounding world is as active as possible, so it is not easy to join the meditative rhythm. But if the opportunity to retire in a home environment comes to you at noon, do not miss it.

In addition to the place and time, meditation for beginners at home involves a careful approach to choosing clothes for classes. It is important that things on you are light, free, do not restrict movement.

Correct posture

Any meditation lessons for beginners, whether at home or in a special school, contain information on how to learn how to choose the right pose. Most people associate meditation sessions with the lotus position. But to choose such a position is an optional condition. Other poses may be more suitable for a beginner. In meditations with light, the pose is open, the arms and legs are not crossed.

For those who have decided to independently undergo meditation training at home, we recommend sitting in a position that is convenient for you, with your hands on your knees, palms facing up. When you meditate with the light, there is no need to close your thumb and index finger.

Other techniques offer the following poses for beginners to meditate:

  • Sukhasana pose (in Turkish). In this position, the back remains toned, while there is no tension in the body. When starting a home session, put a folded blanket or pillow under your buttocks, but not a soft one. Important condition: your position must be stable. The hands should rest on the knees or on the hips with the palms turned up. It is advisable to connect the thumb and index finger to make a symbolic circle, and keep the rest straight.
  • Sitting on the edge of a chair. This pose is suitable for those beginners who are uncomfortable with the previous one. Choose a chair with a solid seat and sit on the edge of it. Keep your legs straight, without throwing one over the other. Hands-in the same position as described above.

Techniques for starting practice development

If you have heard a lot about what meditation is and what benefits it gives, but did not know how to learn to meditate, we offer a simple and effective technique for beginners. Here are step-by-step instructions that you can use at home:

  1. Prepare everything you need for meditation. Dim the lights. Turn off your mobile phone.
  2. Take the selected position.
  3. Make sure that your back is straight. Relax your face.
  4. Set the timer. It is better for novice meditators to devote no more than 5 minutes a day to home sessions.
  5. Close your eyes. Keep them closed throughout the meditation.
  6. Take 5 deep breaths and exhale. Mandatory condition: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  7. Now breathe naturally, turn on relaxing music.
  8. Concentrate on the sensations in your body. Try to feel every part of your body, from the top of your head to your feet. If you feel tension in some parts, try to relax them.
  9. Imagine how light begins to fill you from all sides from space. You, like a sponge, absorb it, become saturated with it.
  10. Next, feel the body as a whole. Feel it relax more and more with each breath you take in and out.
  11. Again, focus on the breath, focusing on the tip of the nose and nostrils.
  12. Try counting your breaths. On the inhale, we begin to count to ourselves: “One”, on the exhale — “two”. And so — up to 30.
  13. When you finish counting, continue to focus on your breathing. Let the mind relax completely during meditation.
  14. Did you hear the timer beep? Feel your body and every part of it again.
  15. Slowly open your eyes. Start getting up after waiting for 1-2 minutes.

This technique is ideal for practicing at home: you don’t have to worry about how to start practicing meditation if you have a lot to do at home. It is enough to allocate only 10 minutes a day for sessions. At the same time, the technique is very effective: you will notice the result after a week of daily home practice.

Common mistakes of beginners: how to avoid them

Meditation for beginners often becomes a process in which they make great efforts to achieve success. But when performing meditation techniques in any environment, especially at home, it is important to be able to relax. Therefore, beginners are advised not to try their best: drop the tension and just watch.

Completely turn off thoughts will not work either at home or in any other environment. Therefore, do not set yourself the condition to block them — watch as if from the outside.

Often people expect something specific from meditation: they ask how to learn to meditate with such a condition in order to find a new job or establish a home atmosphere. This is another common mistake of beginners. During classes, you should just enjoy the state of your consciousness, and not expect something specific. Each practice brings something of its own.

Remember: the ability to meditate is a skill. It can be trained over time at home, and if you sign up for meditation classes for beginners, the process will go a little faster. In any case, the main thing is to continue, even if it seems that there are no results. Do not give up, and everything will work out!

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