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What does meditation do? 10 main advantages

What does meditation give a person? It helps in improving self-control, fighting depression, overcoming pain, and much more. And what is most surprising: the benefits of meditation practices are available to everyone completely free of charge. There is no need to buy equipment, chemicals, books, apps, or any other products for classes. In this article, we will look at how meditation helps and what are its main advantages.

10 key benefits

Building sustainable self-control

During meditation, a person feels calmer. This is responsible for the emotional brain center, the activity of which is reduced in meditators. Therefore, those who perform meditative exercises maintain control over their emotions not only during classes, but also in everyday life.

Developing the capacity for compassion

Developing compassion is a proven benefit of practice. Meditators in most cases seek to help the suffering person, and are ready to act even in the conditions of the social norm of inaction.

Changing the structure of the brain

Meditation is such a powerful technique that after 8 weeks of practice, it changes the brain structure. The density of gray matter in the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning is increased in meditators. Under the influence of practice, the brain becomes more plastic, which can help in changing a person’s life for the better. Our institute conducts independent research that confirms this.

Pain reduction

After regular practice, the threshold of pain sensitivity decreases. Scientists have found that those who regularly perform meditation exercises, there is a thickening in the areas of the brain that are responsible for the pain threshold.

Reducing anxiety

Meditation helps those who often experience anxiety. The researchers found that 4 sessions of 20 minutes are enough to reduce a person’s anxiety to 39 %.

Help with depression

The main manifestation of depression is depressing thoughts that constantly rotate in the head. The meditator takes control of the attention. This helps to focus on the present, on life here and now, distracting from future worries and past regrets.

Increased concentration of attention

Thanks to meditation classes, a person concentrates better on the actions performed. Regular practice helps to form a steady focus on the performance of certain activities, better focus on the tasks.

Improve your multitasking skills

Practitioners of meditation techniques perform standard office tasks better than those who have not meditated. They cope with tasks such as writing emails, communicating on the phone, and other similar tasks faster and better, and therefore experience less stress.

Speed up learning and memorization

Those who are interested in what meditation is for will surely enjoy the opportunity to make the brain work faster. Practice helps to achieve this effect. As a result of 4-day sessions, the function of working memory, visual-spatial processing and executive functioning improves.

Development of creative abilities

Meditation practitioners are more successful at solving creative problems. They generate more new ideas under the same conditions than those who do not meditate.

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