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How to fill yourself with the energy of love and light?

Love and light are the most creative energies in the world. Nothing is more powerful. They are able to remove any negative by simply absorbing and dissolving it. If your dream is to fill your life with joy, harmony, mutual understanding with people, if you want to attract only good things to yourself, meditation of love and light will help. This amazing practice helps you to be filled with love, to give it to the world, to get rid of aggression and negative moments, to heal yourself.


  • It is advisable to start by choosing a calm, relaxing music. This is especially important for beginners: it will be easier to achieve the effect of meditation.
  • Sit on the floor or on a chair and take a comfortable position: the back should be flat. It is advisable to close your eyes. Relax.
  • Focus all your attention on your heart. It is there that the light is born, which we then radiate into the world.
  • Feel the warmth in the heart area. The energy of heat increases, hold your attention until it becomes hot. While maintaining this feeling, think about something pleasant or remember the closest person in your life, the most joyful moment with him.
  • Stay in this memory. Feel the warmth in your heart increase and go beyond it to fill your entire body. Feel how every cell of your body is filled with this feeling.
  • When you feel filled with love, begin to radiate it outwards, to people, to the planet — and only then calmly open your eyes and complete the meditation.

The benefits of practice

By practicing this meditation regularly, you will notice how the energy of love and light begins to transform your life for the better. Even if it’s not easy to do the exercise the first time, don’t give up. Just a few training sessions-and everything will work out. You will become less anxious, cope with depression, get enough sleep in less time. Filling yourself and the surrounding space with the power of light and love energy removes the locks from the hearts and points in the right direction. Meditations will help you attract only positive events, people, and bring your desires closer to fulfillment.

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