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How to master the meditation technique?

There are no people who are ready or not ready for meditation in advance.

We take for granted any natural phenomena, we can breathe as soon as we are born. Transcendental meditation, technique-involves the transition from the level of thinking to the level of self-knowledge, self-awareness. We all intuitively try to penetrate deep into ourselves, to understand our purpose. We try to live to our Heart’s content. We are looking for the missing one, which will become the catalyst of the process.

Meditation techniques for calming down, for filling themselves with light, allow beginners to relax and work on themselves much more productively.

How to meditate at home yourself

No restrictions and no fear of doing something wrong.

The meditation technique for beginners is simple.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Imagine a light source above you. Direct it to the center of the head, then distribute it throughout the entire volume of the brain. Set the intent to synchronize the right and left hemispheres.

Continue to fill your brain with light until you feel a sense of harmony and calm.

Meditation techniques for beginners

Everyone can meditate. The main thing here is to find a place where you can focus on your feelings without being distracted by what is happening.

Those who have been meditating for a long time can do it anywhere. For them, there is no particular difference – the street or the room, the time of day and the absence or presence of other people nearby.

The methodology of the topology of consciousness tells, among other things, how to meditate at home yourself.

The technique of meditation for beginners is not much different from meditation for advanced users. The duration of the process for the first is shorter, and for the second it can last for hours. That’s all the difference.

The only nuance is that beginners receive information, they can not interpret it correctly, and those who have been meditating for a long time-interpret it completely. That is all.

Meditation techniques for calming down

On the initial path. Your task is to learn to listen to everything that your soul sends you in the information flow. It doesn’t matter that as long as you don’t quite understand and something seems complicated. Only the walking person can master the road.

The ability to fully switch to your sensations does not mean that you will not hear external sounds, but they will not interfere with your meditation. To concentrate only on the inner, sifting out the unnecessary – the main goal of meditation.

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