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Pros and cons of meditation

More and more people are discovering the power of meditation every day, taking the time to get their thoughts in order. The positive effect of the practices is confirmed by the reviews of people and the research of scientists. Consider the main pros and cons of meditation.

Advantages for the brain

In regular meditators, the amplitude of the alpha waves is lengthened. Therefore, they are less likely to experience stress and are less susceptible to negative emotions. In addition, those who practice meditation generate almost twice as many gamma waves that control logic, and thicken the brain tissues responsible for concentration and cognition. Such people can not be afraid of early age- related changes in brain structures. They need less time to get enough sleep and recuperate.

Benefits for the whole body

  • Normalization of blood pressure. According to scientific research, meditation techniques have a positive effect on the heart, help in the treatment of heart diseases.
  • Increased immunity, improved overall well- being. Scientific studies have shown that when performing practices, a large amount of endorphin — the hormone of joy and pleasure-is released into the blood.
  • Positive effect in the fight against addictions and bad habits. Constant meditative classes help to overcome smoking, alcoholism, addiction to drugs.
  • Victory over negative emotions. Depression, fears of various nature, panic states and other similar mental disorders are easily eliminated with the help of practices.

The psychosomatic origin of most diseases has long been no secret, and medicine has recognized this. By meditating, a person learns to achieve harmony in the inner world, which becomes an excellent prevention of many ailments, as well as a means to reduce the harm from negative external influences.

Advantages for personal self-development

Meditation not only helps to be healthy and achieve emotional stability — it is a way to learn to hear yourself. To distinguish your true desires from those imposed by society-to separate the grain from the chaff. This is a way to discover the talents and unique abilities in yourself.

Regular practices contribute to the powerful development of the meditator’s will. After all, it is often not enough for people to, for example, open their own business or implement any ideas.


Meditative practices have not only advantages — but also disadvantages. If you do not properly use the opportunities of meditation, classes can be harmful. It is important to choose the right equipment for you and follow all the recommendations.

The surest way to avoid any negative consequences is to meditate under the guidance of specialists.

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