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Stages of meditation

Is there a certain sequence of the meditation process? Can we say that the stages are fixed and their boundaries are clearly traced? In our lectures on the methodology of the Topology of Consciousness, we always discuss this frequently asked question by beginners. Let’s say more, not only those who start their way to themselves ask about it, but also experienced students are not always ready to answer clearly according to the situation.

Meditation for beginners. How to learn to meditate properly?

If we talk about time, then in fact there are no clear minute-by-minute frames assigned to each sequence.

And the duration of one stage in relation to the other is conditional. Each person is unique, so everything related to his personal characteristics will only be his experience. Even the same medicine works on everyone individually. Someone needs 5 minutes, someone less/more. But there is a common thing that is common to all.

This is because the process of meditation involves 3 consecutive stages: relaxation, concentration, and contemplation.


A prerequisite for the beginning of meditation, its first level — to learn to relax, to eliminate neuromuscular tension. To achieve relaxation as quickly as possible, you need to eliminate or minimize annoying factors: noise, light, etc.

At the initial stages of mastering the practice, it is better to meditate sitting down. At the same time, it is important to choose a comfortable position that helps you relax.


The technique of meditation for beginners at home is simple. The level of concentration in meditation implies concentration of attention. By choosing a secluded place and adopting a relaxed body position, we reduce the number of nerve impulses that come from the outside world and the muscles of our body. However, the left hemisphere of the brain continues to work, which manifests itself in the form of extraneous thoughts that arise in the head. This stage is very important for successful practice development, as the meditator consciously stops the activity of the left hemisphere or reduces it to a minimum.


When the previous stages of meditation are completed, the meditator proceeds to the last one — entering the meditative state. At this level, the right hemisphere, which was previously suppressed by the left, creates a complete picture of being. A person is faced with the task: to stop speculative activity, completely preserving consciousness. After passing the last stage, we seem to come out of vacation, returning to the outside world and finding it different. Our consciousness gets rid of automatism, becomes enlightened and rises to a new level.

Striving for the goal makes us stronger. We can carry the weight of our childhood resentments, emotional instability of adult life, and self-claims. All this prevents us from looking at ourselves from the outside. Understand that we don’t have to live up to someone else’s expectations, live someone else’s life, do what life circumstances force you to do.

It is the energy-giving meditation that brings us the information that dreams are real. Everything is in your power.

To step out of your comfort zone into the unknown is a feat and a serious step. They don’t always wait for us at the door. Not everyone is ready to change their usual world for the sake of a ghostly dream fulfillment. It is meditation that gives us the strength, and most importantly-the information to decide and understand that dreams are real. Everything is in your power.

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