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3 simple meditation techniques for beginners

We are happy when everything turns out the way we want. The joy of what is happening makes us function more actively, but we are never engaged in pumping emotions in our classes. This is a practice that does not bring success. All coaching marathons are based on emotional self-eating.

Psychologists also work with feelings. As a result of such an emotional shock – depression.

The Topology of Consciousness technique helps you discover awareness in yourself. So we stop reacting painfully, impulsively, nervously. There is calmness, rationality and adequacy.

We suggest you try three basic exercises for beginners. They give an understanding of how to properly meditate, enter this state.

Meditation on the awareness of your body

Exercises for beginners involve meditation in a sitting position. Over time, you will learn how to use these techniques in any position.

Relax your arms and legs. Keep your back straight.

Breathe naturally. You can keep your eyes closed during the exercise.

Concentrate on your body.

Direct the light to every part of it, listen to the sensations, feel how it relaxes.

Pay attention to the breath. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling.

You will feel as if you are in a vacuum. There is a complete abstraction from external stimuli.

The main thing in this technique is to concentrate on your feelings, sensations.

Meditation on Sound

We use music in our meditations. We listen to it and relax.

We have already talked in our lectures about how to meditate properly.

In any case, the result of the session depends on how deep you go into yourself. It is not a matter of following the instructions exactly, but of striving for a lack of reaction to external stimuli.
The purpose of this meditation exercise is to become aware of the surrounding sounds.

Take the right position: keep your back straight, relax your muscles.

Be aware of your body, the sensations in it.

Pay attention to the breath. You should breathe naturally.

Allow your hearing to perceive the surrounding sounds, but do not try to focus too much on them.

If extraneous thoughts arise during meditation, beginners often make a lot of effort to block them. That’s not quite right. In this case, you are returning from external thoughts to yourself. You direct the thought process from the routine, everyday – to the spiritual.

Meditation on emotions

Students often ask whether it is possible to meditate while being upset, or vice versa, unnecessarily happy.

This meditation technique for beginners helps you learn how to work with your emotions. This technique will not help to completely get rid of, for example, the feeling of anger.

But after regular classes, when someone or something makes you angry, you will no longer try to vent your anger or suppress it. You are aware of your condition and can easily cope with anger.

Take the correct position before starting the exercise.

Listen to your body.

Concentrate on your breathing.

Realize that you are in the present moment, here and now.

Focus your attention on your emotions.

If at this moment you don’t feel anything special, remember some incident from the past that has disturbed you and direct the light to this situation.

Observe how the feelings are reflected in your body.

Try to understand the thought that caused this emotional state.

Beginners are recommended to exercise for 10 minutes twice a day. You have the right to decide whether it is possible to meditate longer, but according to our research, this is not advisable at the initial stage.

You must understand that meditation is not a universal remedy for any problem. But regular implementation of these techniques and exercises helps to accept yourself, to start living a more conscious and fulfilling life.

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