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5 rules of meditation

There is nothing complicated or magical about meditation. Many of us have already meditated in a certain way without even knowing it. Remember what you do when you can’t sleep? Do you start counting sheep or visualizing other images until you fall asleep? This method helps, because the attention is focused on one thing, and extraneous thoughts go away. This is what meditation techniques are aimed at: focusing attention while relaxing.

Do you want to learn how to meditate? Here are the rules of meditation for beginners, which will help you not to make mistakes at the beginning of mastering the practice. In fact, you can meditate in any place, in any position, in any circumstances: you just need to focus on yourself and direct the light inside — this will already be meditation.

Rule 1. Find the perfect time

Experts recommend that beginners devote 5- 10 minutes of practice in the morning and evening. In the morning, classes will help you put your mind in order, energize you, and prepare you for the start of a new day. In the evening, meditative practice makes it possible to get rid of tension, fatigue and annoying thoughts. If possible, do not miss a single session: the regularity of classes plays a fundamental role in the success of mastering meditation.

Rule 2. Choose a suitable location

It is best to meditate at home. The situation at home should be calm, quiet, so that nothing distracts you. Where exactly you will meditate, it does not matter: you should not give up meditation if for some reason you can not find a suitable environment.

Rule 3. Take the right pose

The rules of meditation do not force you to sit in the lotus position during the session. The main thing is a straight back, so that you are comfortable. You can sit on a chair, you can get up or lie down. In a position with a straight back, it becomes easier for a person to breathe, the air passes through the lungs better. Thanks to this, awareness is maintained, and it is easy to maintain a balance between tone and relaxation.

In a straight back position, it is possible to engage muscles that are not normally used by you, which can cause your back to tense up. In this case, sit on a chair and try to endure a slight discomfort, without leaning on the back. When it is difficult to tolerate, move back and lean against the back, keeping the spine straight.

In meditations with light, an open pose is recommended: it is advisable not to cross your arms and legs.

Rule 4. Relax

Close your eyes and relax. Relaxation should be complete. If some parts of the body remain tense, work with them. Imagine that the tense part of the body is filled with light. Take a breath, and on the exhalation, relax it. Coordinate the relaxation process with your breathing until the tension subsides.

Rule 5. Focus on the breath (mantra)

Direct your attention inward. Do not waste energy on getting rid of thoughts if it does not work. Don’t mentally berate yourself for not being able to relax. When you find yourself getting distracted, just return your attention to the breath or mantra. This way you can follow your thoughts without reacting to them emotionally.

Meditation teaches you to observe what is happening inside. Even if you can’t get rid of your thoughts completely, you will still benefit from the practice, because you will learn to follow them, become more collected, be able to control your desires, and find peace.

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